
This script illustrates the following concepts:
  • Calculating a cross correlation

  • Generating an equally-spaced span of integers

See following URLs to see the reproduced NCL plot & script:

Import packages:

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import geocat.datafiles as gdf
from geocat.viz import util as gvutil

Read in data:

# Open a netCDF data file using xarray default engine and load the data into
# xarrays
ds = xr.open_dataset(gdf.get("netcdf_files/"),

# Extract time series from 3d data
ts = ds.TS
ts1 = ts[:, 45, 64]
ts2 = ts[:, 23, 117]

# Set maximum lag
maxlag = 25

# Generate lag values to define x axis
x = np.arange(0, maxlag, 1)

Create Lead-lag correlation function. This is the equivalent of esccr function in NCL

def LeadLagCorr(A, B, nlags=maxlag):
    """Computes lead lag correlation to compare two series.

    A : array_like
        An array containing multiple variables and observations.
    B : array_like
        An array containing multiple variables and observations.
    nlags : int, optional
        The number of lag values. The default is 30.

    coefs : array_like
        An array of size nlags containing the correlation coefficient of each
        lag at each corresponding index of the array.
    coefs = np.empty(nlags)
    coefs[0] = np.corrcoef(A, B)[0, 1]

    for i in range(1, nlags):
        temp_A = A[:-i]
        temp_B = B[i:]

        r = np.corrcoef(temp_A, temp_B)[0, 1]
        coefs[i] = r

    return coefs


# Create figure (setting figure size (width,height) in inches) and axes
plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 6.5))
ax = plt.axes()

ccr = LeadLagCorr(ts1, ts2)

ax.plot(x, ccr, color='gray', linewidth=0.5)

# Use geocat.viz.util convenience function to add minor and major tick lines

# Use geocat.viz.util convenience function to set axes parameters without calling several matplotlib functions
# Set axes limits, tick values, and tick labels to show latitude & longitude (i.e. North (N) - South (S))
                                 xlim=(0, 24),
                                 ylim=(-1.2, 1.2),

# Use geocat.viz.util convenience function to set titles and labels without calling several matplotlib functions
                             maintitle="37.7N 180E vs 23.72S 149W",

# Set major and minor tick directions and padding
ax.tick_params(which='both', direction='in', pad=9)

# Set box_layout

# Show plot
37.7N 180E vs 23.72S 149W

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.238 seconds)

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